Create a desktop app with WordPress and ExeOutput for PHP

WordPress as a stand-alone desktop app sample

ExeOutput for PHP 2021 can compile complex PHP websites such as WordPress. Thanks to our PHP to EXE compiler, websites powered by WordPress can be turned into stand-alone Windows applications.

The following screenshot shows you the homepage of a WordPress website:

WordPress app

 ‌The website is not hosted on a remote server: it is run by the app directly. It's similar to an offline WordPress package without the need of any WAMP distribution.

Download the WordPress sample installer

 Click the following button to download the WordPress sample installer. Alternatively, you can run the Web Update utility of ExeOutput for PHP to download the sample.

  Download WordPress App Sample

File Size: 106 Mb.

  For your security, the installer is digitally signed with Authenticode to ensure that it comes from our company.

How to use the sample

The installer will unpack all files to the folder of your choice. The sample comes with full source code (PHP code and ExeOutput for PHP project file).

The application is portable and must be placed in a folder where it has write access to files because WordPress stores data locally and must update its database.

 To launch the application, just double-click the application EXE file (output\wpdemo.exe). Alternatively, you can also open the wpdemo.exop project file with ExeOutput for PHP and compile it yourself.

A portable MariaDB server is used as WordPress database provider. The application will start and stop it automatically.
By default, port 3307 is used and WordPress is configured to access the database server with that port.

Step-by-step tutorial for creating apps with WordPress and ExeOutput for PHP

A step-by-step tutorial is shipped: you'll find it in the distribution or you can download the tutorial in PDF format:

 How to make a desktop app with WordPress

It also shows you how to create an installer for your app with Paquet Builder.

WordPress is free software, and is released under the terms of the GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version. See license.txt.

WordPress source code can be downloaded for free at

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