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Command Line Options

This page is designed for advanced users: it describes how you can use ExeOutput for PHP to create and compile applications (even silently) without navigating through the steps, but with command line switches (useful for daily and automated builds for instance).

What is a switch?

All switches are specified with a forward slash and are sometimes followed by a value. Example of valid switch: /C

Please note that if you are specifying files or folders with spaces in them, you should enclose them in quotation marks. Example of switch: /U "My value" /C

Command line options to manage project files

You can indicate project files to ExeOutput for PHP thanks to the command line. When you launch ExeOutput for PHP manually (for instance with the "Run" command from the Windows Start menu), you can pass parameters to the program.

The following command line opens a project file: EXO4PHP.EXE "c:\mywork\myproject\myproject.exop". ExeOutput for PHP will be opened and it will read the settings from the project. All you have to do is press the Compile button and the application will be created.

Available Switches

/c forces ExeOutput for PHP to compile the EXE whose project file was specified. /q will force ExeOutput for PHP to exit after a successful compilation. /s will force ExeOutput for PHP to run silently (no progress bar).

You can of course make some combinations with the preceding switches. For example, EXO4PHP.EXE "c:\mywork\myproject\myproject.exop" /c/q/s will force ExeOutput for PHP to compile the EXE silently and then exit.